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5 Signs Your Website Needs a Revamp

11 Dec 2023

If you own a website, you already know how vital it is to your business’ success. According to research, 84% of consumers think that having a website adds credibility to a business. Which is why it is of utmost importance to have a well-designed, engaging and user-friendly website that informs consumers about your nature of business and the products or services you sell. Not just that, an ideal website is one that helps you to turn visitors into consumers by winning their trust. Today, the success of a business very much rests upon its online presence, which creates the right imagery needed to achieve various pre-determined goals such as getting new business, expand market base, create brand awareness, inform about products, etc. In a world which is full of websites, standing apart is crucial and challenging in equal measure. A web design company like Brand Bazooka can easily help you with it.


The process of website revamping or redesigning includes updating or changing a website’s interface, structure, content or navigation to improve its performance and get better results, such as converting visitors into customers or increasing sales. Website revamping also happens during rebranding when a brand decides to change or modify its appearance. Whatever the reason be, website revamp goes a long way to fulfil pre-decided business objectives.


Website revamping is not as simple as it sounds. It needs planning, analysis and, most importantly, flawless execution. There may be many reasons to revamp a website, varying from business to business, here are the five most common signs that compel most businesses to have a relook at their websites.

1. Low conversion rate

A website serves many purposes. Generating leads and increasing sales by turning visitors into customers are the most important ones. Especially for an e-commerce website, making sales is the ultimate objective. In case of a decline in any of the two, it is always wise to assume that your website is not appealing enough to visitors. Moreover, it will not yield the results you expect from it. In such a scenario when your website is unable to fulfil its foremost objective – to turn visitors into customers – it is definitely the time to revamp it. Understand what’s not working, like the overall theme or content, and give more importance in upgrading those parts.

2. Outdated visual appeal

Times and trends don’t stay in one place! Then why should your website? In the digital world of today, upgrading a website from time to time is the need of the hour. The more in sync it is with the latest trends, the higher the chances of its success are. A visually outdated website is all it takes to put visitors off and create a negative image in their minds. Which is why your website needs to stay innovative, interesting and colourful. The changing trends influence people and their choices. A website that rubs shoulders with the latest trends is considered to be more trustworthy and appeals to its target audience in a persuasive manner.

3. Navigation difficulties

When it comes to the success of a website, simplicity plays a crucial role.
Visitors tend to spend more time checking out websites that are easy to navigate. Where the design hooks a visitor, navigation helps to keep him stay on the website for a long time. A website that gives more information without the hassle of clicking on too many links is an ideal one. If your website offers too many tabs and links, it may put a visitor off instantly. So it is always better to keep as few tabs and links as possible. It will make the website look neat and give a very positive and aesthetic vibe as well.

4. Low SEO rank

There are two ways through which people visit your website – either they type its web address or see it on Google while looking for products and services they need. If your website does not appear on the first page during their search, it must be because you have chosen to continue to stick to an old-fashioned design. Google algorithm has evolved and does not rely on keywords alone to put your website on the first page. Which is why your website needs to evolve with time, too. Because the websites that keep upgrading themselves with high-quality content and aesthetic design have a higher chance of visibility and, as a result, get more visitors.

5. Lack mobile friendliness

Most pairs of hands use a smartphone today, especially of your customers. From watching videos, sending messages, playing games to shopping online, mobile phones are used for many things in our daily lives. Visiting your website is one of them. Which is why your website design has to be mobile responsive. It should also be easy to navigate so as not to lose any potential customers. Mobile friendliness enhances the accessibility of a website and gives it a wider audience base. As per reports, 70% of all web traffic takes place on mobile phones since people spend more time on mobiles than desktops or laptops. If your target audience has a smartphone, your website must be mobile friendly to take full advantage of the situation.


First of all, bring a leading and capable web design agency like Brand Bazooka onboard. Because they have the right tools and expertise to design a website that will keep you always ahead in the game. Moreover, it is not the design alone that wins you the competition, it’s the content as well. Brand Bazooka can create the right content for your website, along with a SEO plan that will bring it to the first page on Google. An expert agency can take your website to the next level and can help it achieve all its objectives at once. So what are you still waiting for? Contact us on info@brandbazooka.comand revamp your website today.

About Author:

Vineet Karwal is the co-founder of Brand Bazooka. With a keen eye for the latest trends in the industry, he seamlessly blends his strategic acumen with boundless creativity to craft innovative solutions for his clients. His extensive experience coupled with his disruptive approach has helped his clients, such as ShopClues, Ebro foods (Panzani Pasta), MySchool, Linc Pens and more, see their numbers grow.

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