Every business is best understood, recognised and valued by its brand identity. In today’s brand-dense world, creating a unique brand identity is of utmost importance for a business to succeed. The right branding with the help of the right branding agency helps to strike the right chord with customers and creates the impression needed to persuade them to try a new product or service. The right branding empowers a business to stand apart in the crowd while appealing to the desired customer base.


Brand consistency contributes to a


of revenue increase

A signature colour increases

brand recognition by



people follow

a brand on social
media because
they like it





Branding helps create a strong reputation, leading to more business in the future. It announces the arrival of a business or brand in the market, informing potential customers and competitors about its products or services. Branding not only attracts future customers but also establishes the brand’s image in the marketplace. It serves as a promise of quality that customers can expect and rely upon.



As mentioned, branding enables a business/brand to find a new customer base for its products or services by directly appealing to them. Branding is a process, an exercise that delivers results after a certain duration. Branding takes a new business/brand right where it needs to be – in the middle of its customers as well as in the minds of its customers. Branding, done right with the help of the right creative branding agency, can open new doorways for a business/brand like never before and empower it to expand into new territories with ease.



Branding is not just for customers. It also makes employees feel proud to be associated with a business/brand and increases job satisfaction. Any employee, who gives his blood and sweat to a company will only feel delighted to see its names at various places, like ads, hoardings, POS, merchandise, etc. When employees are satisfied, they will go around tell others about their company. This will create some word of mouth along with goodwill in the market.



The ultimate job of branding is to create more than just a logo, a brand, a design or a packaging. The most important job of branding is to create a feeling of trust in channel partners, clients and customers alike. It should create a reputation for a business/brand in the market which is hard to shake. Branding represents the values, ethics and morals of a business/brand and how they translate into trust is what matters the most.


Final verdict on branding!

There’s more to branding than just logo, design and colours. The most important thing branding does for a business is creating a connection with people. This connection, then, turns them into consumers. But for this, you need the right branding services from a reputed advertising and branding agency. That is why we are here! For over a decade, we have been helping businesses to create top-class branding that connects with the audience immediately.

What our Clients say


frequently asked questions

Branding is nothing but the identity of your brand. It is what differentiates you from your competitors. If the identity itself is not right, it is a no-brainer that the rest will also go wrong.

ATL (Above the Line) agencies which are also known as mainline agencies are better equipped to work only on mainstream media campaigns, such as TV, radio and billboard campaigns. Likewise, a BTL (Below the Line) agency is better able to help you with only non-mainstream media campaigns, such as events, emails, brochures etc. In today’s world, brands need the right combination of both, ATL and BTL advertising.A full service agency such as ours has resources, capabilities and experience to create a 360-degree campaign that reaches and engages customers at all possible touch points effectively.

Is it worth going to a doctor when you can take medicines as per your limited medical knowledge? Well, you know the answer now. Digital marketing agencies have expert writers, designers, SEO specialists and strategists whose rich knowledge and skills can help your brand get what it aims for.

It may take a few days or several months depending on your requirement. Get in touch with us and share your requirements, so that we can tell you how long it will take to build a website for your brand.

The cost of a website depends on its type, design, pages, plug-ins, site integration, language versions and more. If you have a website requirement, get in touch with us to know how much it will cost you as per your requirements.

Small businesses are often low on marketing budgets and can not afford to spend large amounts of money on traditional marketing media such as TV and hoardings. That is where social media can work wonders. With the help of social media platforms, information about small businesses can be spread to millions of people in quick and cost-efficient ways.

That's a question almost every agency is asked. Today, every brand is associated with a professional agency because advertising is better left to the experts. However, it is often seen that with time monotony sinks in and brands seek a new and fresh perspective. In the digital age of today, more brands are inclined towards experimenting and may seek more agencies than one to work with. That's where Brand Bazooka comes in. We don't pitch ourselves as a competitor, but as a better service provider. We keep pace with the latest trends and make the most of the opportunities they create. We don't believe in reaching a destination and sit there quietly. Rather, we believe in achieving milestones and keep evolving. With a young, digital savvy team, we are more than equipped to take on every challenge and turn it into an opportunity. Still, more than our words, we will let our work speak for us. Have a look at it in our portfolio section and you will see that we are good at what we do. And when you do, we will be happy to start our association with a project before going all guns blazing.

We don't just work as an advertising agency, we rather work as a growth partner for our clients. We don't believe in fulfilling assignments, we believe in creating a roadmap for brands and propel them forward. Along with disruptive, out-of-the-box creative ideas, we bring accountability and custodianship to the table. We treat a brand like our own and grow it the way we want to grow as an agency. Above that, we bring over 12 years of experience in mainline and digital along with a team of writers, designers, social media experts, strategists, planners and account managers with unmatched skills, expertise, knowledge and years of experience. We follow a research-oriented approach to create result-oriented campaigns. When put together, these are the things that make us stand tall and apart from other agencies.

Ad agencies typically get paid through a combination of retainer ship fees, project-based fees, and sometimes commissions based on media buys or campaign success.

Creative ad agencies handle all the necessary creative marketing and branding tasks for businesses. From brand identity design to crafting TV commercials, their services encompass a wide range of offerings. To learn more about our services, please explore the services tab on this website